遗传工程国家重点实验室特邀学术报告 Michael Purugganan
State Key Laboratory of Gentic Engneering
题目:Plant Evolution and Domestication: From Archaeology to Genomics





Michael Purugganan

Dorothy Schiff Professor of Genomics; Professor of Biology; Dean for Science

New York University



1993   Ph.D. (Botany/Global Policy)     University of Georgia

1986   M.A. (Chemistry)               Columbia

1985   B.S. (Chemistry)                University of the Philippines


Areas of Research/Interest:

Evolutionary and ecological genomics of plant adaptations

Genetics of Plant Domestication

The Evolution of Multicellularity and Social Behaviour


5 Most Significant Publications:

Ø  Climate envelope modelling reveals intraspecific relationships among flowering phenology, niche breadth and potential range size in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Ecol Lett   (2012 Aug)
Banta JA, Ehrenreich IM, Gerard S, Chou L, Wilczek A, Schmitt J, Kover PX, Purugganan MD

Ø  The cooperative amoeba: Dictyostelium as a model for social evolution.
Trends Genet   (2011 Feb)
Li SI, Purugganan MD

Ø  The nature of selection during plant domestication.
Nature   (2009 Feb 12)
Purugganan MD, Fuller DQ

Ø  Darwinian selection on a selfing locus.
Science   (2004 Dec 17)
Shimizu KK, Cork JM, Caicedo AL, Mays CA, Moore RC, Olsen KM, Ruzsa S, Coop G, Bustamante CD, Awadalla P, Purugganan MD

Ø  Accelerated electron transfer between metal complexes mediated by DNA.
Science   (1988 Sep 23)
Purugganan MD, Kumar CV, Turro NJ, Barton JK
